Fluid intelligence and brain functional organization in aging yoga and meditation practitioners

Tim Gard, Maxime Taquet, Rohan Dixit, Britta K. Holzel, Yves-Alexandre de Montoye, Narayan Brach, David H. Salat, Bradford C. Dickerson, Jeremy R. Gray, Sara W. Lazar
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience
Volume 6 - 2014

Numerous studies have documented the normal age-related decline of neural structure, function, and cognitive performance. Preliminary evidence suggests that meditation may reduce decline in specific cognitive domains and in brain structure. Here we extended this research by investigating the relation between age and fluid intelligence and resting state brain functional network architecture using graph theory, in middle-aged yoga and meditation practitioners, and matched controls. Fluid intelligence declined slower in yoga practitioners and meditators combined than in controls. Resting state functional networks of yoga practitioners and meditators combined were more integrated and more resilient to damage than those of controls. Furthermore, mindfulness was positively correlated with fluid intelligence, resilience, and global network efficiency. These findings reveal the possibility to increase resilience and to slow the decline of fluid intelligence and brain functional architecture and suggest that mindfulness plays a mechanistic role in this preservation.

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