Category: Obsessive-compulsive disorder


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Kundalini Yoga Meditation Versus the Relaxation...
David Shannahoff-Khalsa, Rodrigo Yacubian Fernandes, Carlos A. de B. Pereira, John S. March, James F. Leckman, Shahrokh Golshan, Mario S.R. Vieira, Guilherme V. Polanczyk, Euripedes C. Miguel, Roseli G. Shavitt
Frontiers in Psychiatry
Background: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is often a life-long disorder with high psychosocial impairment. Serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SRIs) are the only FDA approved drugs, and approximately 50% of patients are non-responders when using a criterion of 25% to 35% improvement with the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS). About 30% are non-responders to combined first-line therapies (SRIs and exposure and response prevention). Previous research (one open, one randomi […]